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Text File | 1992-05-16 | 4.7 KB | 129 lines | [TEXT/MACA] |
- About MUBBS Echo Mail:
- Here on AOL we can now have a "MUBBS Echo" via E-Mail that will allow us
- to discuss MUBBS at a very low cost.
- The following explains more about the Echo and how to get on it.
- The advantages of using E-Mail for a "Echo":
- 1. It's very low cost. Most online systems allow some sort of automatic
- mail read/send, and more are adding this feature. Most transfers take less
- than a minute! For example: If your system charges $5 per hour, and you set
- up to read/send EVERY day, it would cost less than 60 cents per week!
- 2. E-Mail comes directly to you, you don't have to spend time trying to find
- the "subject" you are interested in, while paying online charges. If you are
- using automatic read/send, then the mail is put directly on your computer
- for later viewing.
- 3. The Echo can be "ported" to other SYSTEMS and NETWORKS WORLDWIDE!
- This wil allow the Echo to be everywhere, while you only have to check
- into the system you like best.
- 4. If you don't want the echo, you just turn it off by sending a simple
- E-Mail message to the mailer, then when you are interested again, you just
- send another message and it turns on (you do miss all messages inbetween,
- it doesn't save them for you but they are all archived, see below).
- What is a "Echo Daemon" ?
- The Echo Daemon is a little "robot" that wakes up every night to see if it
- received any mail. If it does, it resends that mail to a mailing list, then
- goes back to sleep.
- The Echo Daemon can have "functions" or "commands" to do certian things
- via a E-Mail sent command. Like it can send you a "help" file or other
- information files that you request, or add/delete your name from the
- mailing list by your command! (these features are planned but not yet
- implimented).
- The word "Daemon" comes from UNIX (and InterNet) type systems, it means
- a sort of "background" program that performs a task when you are not
- looking.
- How to use the E-Mail Echo Daemon via AOL:
- It's very SIMPLE to receive the "MUBBS Echo" via E-Mail, just send "N
- Hawthorn" a message saying you want to receive the "Echo".
- Your name will be added to the list, and you should receive your first Echo
- Mail message shortly after.
- To SEND out to the Echo (for all to read), just press the "Reply to Author"
- button to the left of any message that the Echo Daemon has sent to you.
- DON'T PRESS "REPLY TO ALL"!! The Echo Daemon sends to "ALL" for you!
- I recomend setting up FlashMail to automaticly log in and read/send your
- mail about every 3 days late at night OR you can just check in every once
- and a while by selecting "Activate FlashMail Now" (then it calls AOL and
- reads/sends the mail and hangs up quickly).
- When you set up FlashMail to be automatic, you only type in your password
- ONCE and it does the rest NIGHTLY! You only have to go to your computer
- and read the mail thats come in, you don't even have to bother logging in!
- The amount of messages verses the amount of time to transfer them (at
- 2400 baud) would be just about a minute in most cases, and that figures
- out to about 83 cents per MONTH! (every 3 days at $5 per hour).
- I DO NOT recomend logging in MANUALLY, then getting your mail one at a
- time! FlashMail is very efficent and easy to use!
- Preapare ALL your mail OFF LINE, this is the best way for saving $$.
- You can set up a seperate account just to receive the Echo if you wish. On
- AOL you would then have to sign on SEPERATLY to get the mail on that
- account though.
- You should "delete" any OLD messages about once every 6 months. The Echo
- will be AUTOMATICALLY ARCHIVED, and a text file will be uploaded to AOL
- and other systems every once and a while. So if you missed something, you
- can find it in a (compressed) archive.
- There's NO CHARGE for being a part of the ECHO. You only pay STANDARD
- ONLINE charges for AOL access.
- If you want to stop receiving the Echo, just write "N Hawthorn" again. This
- will eventually be handled by the mailer itsself.
- Deleted Screen Names:
- If you think you are going to "leave" AOL (screen name deleted), please tell
- me ahead of time so that the messages can be stopped.
- Whats in the FUTURE?
- The future is always planned into anything with MUBBS!
- Plans are to make the MUBBS Echo on AOL connect with a E-Mail Echo on
- InterNet (world wide!) and to connect with GEnie, MUBBS Net, FidoNet and
- whatever else sends E-Mail via a computer!
- It would be worth it to find a LOCAL & FREE access site to InterNet! You
- CAN find them if you look. Most systems are listed, but some are "hole in
- the wall" types that can be found by getting on InterNet and asking people.
- What "Mad Scientist" created this little Daemon ?
- It was written by your favorite little "Mad MUBBS Programmer", N
- Hawthorn.
- Sorry, this program will not be publicly available. (maybe?)